Your role in life.

Its not your role to chart the course, it’s your role to sail the ship. Rather than imposing your will upon your life, show up in service to your life and allow a higher power to work though you. Then watch the ways in which your life opens up and witness things you never dreamed possible becoming your reality. 

It’s time to remember that it’s not our job to draw the map and chart the course. It’s our job to walk the path laid out before us…to go with the ebbs and flows, twists and turns of life; knowing that there’s a higher power who has a bigger vision for our lives than we could ever begin to conceive. It’s time to ask “how can I be of service?” instead of “how can I get XYZ result that I want?”

Sometimes we get swept up in our day to day. We get bogged down and our minds become heavy. We begin to operate solely from our minds and we lose sight of the fact that we’re not alone, that we don’t have to figure everything out on our own. If we allow it, we can be guided.

It’s time to drop out of the mind and into the heart.


On listening to your intuition…


How to get out of a funk…