On listening to your intuition…

The most amazing opportunities come about in the most unexpected ways - when you listen to your intuition. I recently went back to my darker color after dying my hair blonde for  many years. The process of finding a stylist was very interesting and taught me much more than I could have anticipated. It also resulted in such an unexpected outcome. I’d been looking for a stylist for a while and had narrowed it down to two. One stylist made more sense from a logical perspective and one stylist made more sense form a gut/intuitive perspective. With the first stylist, I had been following her work  for a while and it seemed like we’d have a lot in common on a personal level.  Logically she seemed like a great option to go with. The second stylist I knew nothing about, other than that she was close by and had great reviews. After meeting with her I just couldn’t shake this feeling that I was meant to work with her. 

Ultimately, I listened to my intuition, and I was not disappointed. The appointment went wonderfully, we had great conversation, I learned so much and she actually ended up introducing me to the owner of Gravity East Village, where I’m now seeing in-person Reiki clients. Which is something I had really wanted to do but just had not been able to work out on my own. 

So the moral of the story is always listen to your intuition, even when it’s something as seemingly insignificant as finding a new hairstylist. It’s guiding you for a reason. 


Let intuition lead your creation.


Your role in life.