I’ve always had an innate ability to provide others with perspective and empathy. I never thought much of it - until I noticed my Reiki clients asking for this form of support as well. I realized that throughout my life, friends, family, and coworkers have consistently come to me when they are at a crossroads, navigating challenging dynamics in their personal lives or careers. They would ask my thoughts and I would share what I’ve learned through my own experiences, insights I’ve gained on my spiritual journey, as well as highlight alternative perspectives and points of view they couldn’t see. They would leave our conversations feeling empowered, and closer to knowing how they wanted to move forward. 

I previously offered this type of support to clients on my own time after hours or post-Reiki session. However, after so much positive feedback and seeing the positive impact it has had, I’ve decided to give this method of support its own container and space. 

In this session format I will listen intently to the challenge you are navigating, then share how I’ve navigated any similar experiences in my own life, any lessons I’ve learned or outcomes I’ve witnessed. I’ll share insights from spiritual texts I’ve read and healing modalities I’ve tried that may be helpful for you to explore. I will offer a neutral perspective and additional alternative viewpoints in order to equip you with a holistic view of the situation you’re navigating. 

From there, it is my hope that you will feel seen, heard, and supported to move forward from a place of clarity; connected to your intuition, and ultimately discovering the best path forward for you. 

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in need of an empathetic ear with an unbiased point of view, and an ability to see all sides of a situation so that we can gain clarity, see our blind spots, and better hear our own intuition. This is where perspective sessions come in. 

What perspective sessions do not do:

  • Take the place of medical treatment, advice, or guidance (i.e. therapy, life coaching, etc.)

  • Solve the challenge for you

  • Tell you what to do or how to navigate your challenges

  • Provide continuous, ongoing support (these sessions are best for one off situations)

Perspective Session Testimonial