What energy are you bringing to the table?

I’ve previously written about the fact that it’s important not to cling to our routines out of familiarity. For myself, it is an important practice to periodically sit down and investigate whether or not my routines are still serving me, what is it that I’m getting from them? 

I invite everyone to try this practice out, but I think it’s important to note that there is a secondary component at play: the energy that we bring to our daily lives and our routines. 

I recently attended my first yoga class after taking several weeks off. One of the main reasons I took so much time off was because I simply wasn’t “feeling it”. I could have forced myself to go and shown up out of sheer will and obligation, but I know that if I had brought that energy of pressure and force, I would not have received the highest degree of what that specific routine / experience has to offer me. I think it’s important when investigating your routines, to not simply run down the checklist of “yes I still like to do this, no I don’t, etc.” 

Instead, I invite you to investigate the energy you are bringing to each routine / experience, and see if it’s still serving you. Are you bringing the best possible energy to it? Can you approach it in a different way? And in so doing, can you receive a deeper or more meaningful response from the experience that you’re engaging in? 

Give it a try! You’ll never know how the energy you’re bringing to the table is affecting your experience unless you sit with it, honestly, and make some changes. 


On finding balance…


It’s time to switch it up…