On finding balance…

I had a moment of clarity recently, surrounding the fact that sometimes the very things that we have resistance towards, the things that we’re not sure are going to be the right move for us, sometimes those are the things we need to move towards in order to get closer to the energy we’re looking to embody. 

I had been feeling tired and sluggish, getting over a cold, and wanted to get back to the gym. I booked a class but as the time approached I began to doubt if it was the right time to go. I began to wonder “do I have enough energy? Do I need to rest more?”. As I waffled back and forth I heard “need to move some energy”. And it dawned on me that what I need wasn’t more rest, perhaps I’d been feeing so tired because I hadn’t had enough movement.

Sometimes I think we convince ourselves we have a  limited capacity for things, when in actuality, those are the things  that would be expansive for us. Those are the things that would break down our feelings of limitation and are exactly what we need to open things up, inviting in space and fresh energy. 

I’ve been in the process of re-learning how to work with my energy.  I used to have no off switch and just power through life consistently, until it burned me out.  I’m finding balance between honoring my need for rest versus giving myself a push, and I invite you to join me.


The 3 Pillars of Reiki.


What energy are you bringing to the table?