It’s time to switch it up…

I invite you to switch up your routines and try something new. 

Our routines can provide us with a sense of security and stability, but they can also keep us in our comfort zone and keep us complacent. 

Oftentimes we cling to our routines out of fear. Fear of what would fill the space we create if we aren’t so busy. Fear of who we would become or what it would say about us if we released an identity that was intertwined with our routines. On the other side of that fear is freedom and happiness. No longer chained to routine for routines sake, you can now explore things that bring you joy, you can get to know a different version of yourself, and you can let go of the things you’ve outgrown. 

It’s okay to start with something small like taking a new route home from work, trying a new class at the gym, ordering a different dish from your favorite restaurant, but just try something!

Through the practice of inviting in small changes, incrementally we can build up a tolerance which will better equip us to handle adversity when live throws us curve balls. The practice of switching up our routines also ensures that we’re pushing ourselves to evolve, try new things, and remain open to all of life’s experiences.  


What energy are you bringing to the table?


Don’t let the big wins fade into little wins…