The meaning of true presence.

Presence, true presence, is a daily practice and something I’m currently working on more and more, as I’ve been met with an increase in perceived uncertainty in my life.

I say “perceived” uncertainty because all of life is uncertain, but our routines and habits often create a false sense of security given their predictability. At its core all of life is uncertain, and in the face of uncertainty lies a wonderful opportunity to be present.

My guides shared with me recently that “the past is gone, it is not ‘here’. The future is a projected illusion, never to materialize. There is only the present.”

The future, ~exactly~ how we imagine it in our minds, will never actually exist. Instead, we will be met with another present moment.

This does not mean we should abandon all ambitions or goals for the future - but to understand that our futures are simultaneously built and unfolding - solely in the NOW, the present moment.

So do your best to stay present, not getting swept away by worries or potential outcomes. Enjoy each moment and see what it has to offer you, and what you can offer it. The only reality we will ever experience is the one of our present moment - so we might as well do our best to enjoy it


A remedy to shake off the dust.


Enjoy (in-joy)