Enjoy (in-joy)

Today is a new day, full of limitless possibilities. Enjoy it.

Recently my guides shared “Enjoy. Do everything “in-joy”. Infuse joy into it, or don’t do it at all.”

Now there are certain mundane tasks that we simply must do (like grocery shopping, cleaning, etc.) but challenge yourself to bring the energy of joy to these tasks. Listen to some music while doing the dishes, stop by the park on your way home from work and listen to the birds or smell the flowers.

Shifting your perspective may also help - leave the heavy energy of “I HAVE to do this” and step into “I GET to do this”…see how you can make it more fun and bring the frequencies of joy and gratitude along for the ride ✨

If you really find you can’t conjure any joy surrounding your daily activities - then maybe honor that and take some time to rest, tackle them a different day, focus on activities that feel a bit more aligned. When you come back to them and are able to greet them with a more joyful energy - they’ll flow that much more smoothly.

Give it a try! There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain by infusing more joy into our lives!


The meaning of true presence.


Reflections: advice to my former self.