A remedy to shake off the dust.

There is beauty, and life, and vibrant energy all around us - we just have to be present enough to witness it.

I’ve been feeling a little off / stagnant lately and when that happens, my favorite remedy is to get outside and explore…shake off the dust..so to speak. I try to find the pockets of nature in the city or just a place to sit and observe my surroundings. I see people making art, creating music, falling in love, expressing themselves in amazing ways….the city is teeming with life. Behind each person is a unique story, a private lived experience I will never know - yet there is also common ground - a shared moment in our paths crossing…right here, now. In that, I find a reminder of all we have in common, an unspoken solidarity, we are in this together.

I’m also reminded that if we can sit still and get quiet, long enough to observe the present moment…oh the wonders we will witness; like rainbows suddenly appearing - if only for a fleeting moment.


How to hear your intuition.


The meaning of true presence.