The beauty of a perspective shift.

“There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore…” - Lord Byron

If we can shift our perspective to one of excitement and adventure then the crossroads we meet in our lives will seem less daunting. The weight of the unknown would be made lighter. If we believe happiness and joy await us, instead of struggle and hardship…if we release our fear of the unknown, fear of judgment, fear of failure - then we would free ourselves to walk our true paths and chart a course that is uniquely our own. If we would only let go of the fear of being “first” with no roadmap - we would soon come to realize that in uncharted territory there is limitless opportunity; a path never before taken. There is freedom and a chance to do things in the way we dream of doing them. A way that suits us best and allows us a life of joy and ease.

So often, we stop short of actually making the leap. We convince ourselves that familiar shores are safer. That we can be “happy enough” in our complacency. In doing so, we not only hold ourselves back and forsake our own happiness, we also rob the world and those around us of experiencing our gifts. We’re only here for a short while in the grand scheme of things - so we might as well live our lives in shameless pursuit of our dreams, carving our own paths.

If you replaced “scary, unknown territory” with “the greatest adventure of your life”, how would that affect your decisions, your attitude, your wants and needs? What would you do differently with this life?


Be here, now.


Love, always love.