Love, always love.

The remedy is always love…and it is often needed most from within ourselves first.

Frustrated? Feeling stuck? Feeling unseen and unsupported? Be gentle with yourself. Greet yourself with love and acceptance. Validate and encourage yourself. Of course as humans we need connection to thrive. We need community, physical touch, love, affection, and attention. But so often we look to outsource our needs to those around us. The love and support we seek from others must exist within ourselves first. Only then will we have access to an endless supply of unconditional love, which is ultimately what we all crave most.

Take a moment today to tell yourself how much you love yourself. The next time you look outside of yourself for love, pause and look within first.

Through showing yourself more love, you enable yourself to share more love. And everybody benefits.


The beauty of a perspective shift.


On self acceptance.