Be here, now.

“Just for today, let it be enough to just ~ be ~”

This message came in loud and clear today and was exactly what I needed to hear. It’s so easy to get caught up in what’s “next” and always be striving for more. Constantly focusing on what we “should be” doing/achieving/working towards puts the emphasis on the future. It removes us from the present. It prevents us from enjoying the fruits of our labor as we are now, where we are now. It keeps our eyes focused forward, never looking around to see and appreciate all that we have and how far we’ve come.

As we all know, the future never pans out exactly as we expect - so we might as well take out attention back to the present, since it is the only reality that will ever actually exist.

Show yourself some love today and take a moment to simply be present. After all, berating yourself for not being more accomplished, doesn’t help you accomplish anything.


Trust the journey.


The beauty of a perspective shift.