The 3 Pillars of Reiki.

There are 3 pillars which comprise the foundation of the Usui system of Reiki:

1. Gassho - the bringing together of hands at the heart center 🙏 which helps to ground the individual, center their energy, and focus intention. This can be done as a stand alone meditation or at the opening of a session.

2. Reiji-ho - the invocation of Reiki to begin flowing; opening yourself up and asking the energy to flow through you for the well-being of the recipient. It is done by raising the hands to the third eye (in prayer position) and asking Reiki to guide your intuition as you set aside your ego so that you may direct the energy wherever it is needed

3. Chiryo - treatment. This involves either placing of the hands in various positions along the body or beaming energy to the recipient so that they may receive the healing and loving energy that is Reiki.

If you’re interested in learning more about Reiki and becoming a certified practitioner - send me an email! While I spend most of my time practicing Reiki in the form of sessions, I am also certified to teach!


The History of Reiki.


On finding balance…