The History of Reiki.

The style of reiki we know today was discovered and developed by Mikao usui, in 1922, he was seeking a state of enlightenment and ascended Mount Kurama Yama- he fasted and meditated for 21 days and finally achieved this state.  He ran down the mountain to tell his zen master but tripped. He placed his hands over his sore toe and felt the pain immediately dissolve and when he took his hands away his toe was completely healed. This was how he discovered he had the ability to heal and he wanted to share it with as many others as possible. He began sharing it with others in the form of healing and overtime he developed the current system in place today. Most of the developments happened in 1923 after a large earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and many people were in need of healing so to speed up his ability to heal and train others he developed the techniques, the attunement method where a practitioner games access to the ability to channel Reiki energy and also the development of the Reiki symbols which are invoked by the practitioner to open up their channel and begin the flow of reiki energy. 

During that time Reiki gained popularity in Japan but today it is much more widely known and practiced in the west. This is because after World War II when the allied powers came in they required that anyone practicing healing arts get a license and this complicated things for many practitioners and sort of drove them underground where they continued to only practice and heal amongst themselves and of course the practice began to die out as the initial practitioners grew older. 

Reiki was first brought to the US by a woman known as Mrs. Takata. She was Japanese but was born in Hawaii. At one point she became very ill and one of her sisters died so she needed to travel to Japan to inform her family who lived permanently in Japan and she also began to seek treatment for her illness she was intending to have surgery but felt strongly against it and that there must be another way And instead opted to visit a clinic by a well known Dr. Hayashi who was drained directly by McHoul Suey and I’ve been practicing Reiki in Japan. So Mrs. Takata received treatment at his clinic and in months was completely healed so she of course want to learn Reiki for herself. She returned to Hawaii and began to establish Reiki there. She changed a lot of the way Reiki is taught because she felt it would be too complicated for Westerners to understand and so she sort of adapted to the western culture and after World War II she even began calling it short wave therapy so that it didn’t sound you know to Japanese obviously there were extreme tensions between the two countries at the time so because of her adaptations and fluid way of thinking Reiki was able to persevere throughout that challenging time. And really began to catch on in the states. 

Since reiki was developed a century ago they have naturally been various changes and further developments made so there are numerous schools of Reiki out there all of which should follow the same basic principles and then include additional symbols or treatment techniques. I am trained in what’s called Usui / Holy Fire Reiki and this frequency and style have been developed by William Rand. He started the International Center for Reiki training and dove deep into the history books and has been to Japan many times to uncover as much as he can the origins of Reiki. He has also trained with teachers that were 1 degree separated from Usui sensei. 

The wonderful thing about Reiki is that the more a practitioner works with it the more they develop their own relationship with it and as they grow on their own spiritual path their channel continues to evolve and strengthen and the quality of their Reiki improves The strength of the frequency they’re able to channel improves and it’s some thing that once you have the ability to channel can never disappear there’s no losing the ability. And it’s a lifelong relationship that a practitioner has with the energy and I would also say for me it’s very much become a part of my lifestyle and I wake up in the morning and I Reiki my breakfast I Reiki any of the food that I eat throughout of throughout the day I have a Reiki crystal grid which I charge in the morning I do self treatment sessions multiple times a week I will send a Reiki to important events to situations and of course to the people that I work with when I’m working with them. 


A moment’s meditation.


The 3 Pillars of Reiki.