How to hear your intuition.

While on a walk one day I saw a mural that said “first thought, best thought” and it made me laugh because it essentially describes how to know when your intuition is speaking to you versus when your ego is.

Your intuition is always the first thought/response and then your ego sneaks in right after to “keep you safe” (aka in a familiar pattern) and will whisper questions and doubts that have you second guessing the guidance. Sometimes it happens so swiftly you can’t even tell which thought came first - but always know that with intuition there is no pressure, urgency, or fear. We may feel those things AFTER we receive intuitive guidance, but that is the ego talking. Intuition never comes with a deadline, a timeline, or a demand. It’s the ego that wants things to happen/be a certain way.

And don’t get me wrong, the ego does play a vital role in our journey, it shouldn’t be vilified (in my opinion) - we simply need to learn how to work WITH it. And one of the first steps to doing so is by learning how to recognize it in the first place.


Richness awaits you…


A remedy to shake off the dust.