On self acceptance.

“Do not wish away aspects of yourself before they are ready to be released. They are there to teach, and you; to learn.”

When something comes up that triggers me I tend to spend a lot of time after the fact reflecting on the situation. Replaying all of the ways I should have responded. Wishing it didn’t bother me in the first place, wishing the part of me that felt angry or hurt didn’t exist to begin with, wishing I hadn’t snapped at my partner/friend/family member. Basically wishing I was different.

I’ll think to myself “I thought I had already addressed that, healed from it, learned that lesson” and then get swept up thinking I must have taken 1 step forward and 20 steps back.

But one morning during a reiki session I received the message to not wish away those parts of myself. They surface to get my attention, so I can see them and address the residual aspects that I haven’t healed….to help me look deeper at the beliefs (new or old) that I hold about myself. In looking at them, I can release them. I can adjust. I can learn and heal. When I am ready - they surface, because I am strong enough to face them. When I am ready, they will be released, because I no longer need them to teach me.

Try shifting your perspective from judge to neutral observer. Greet these feelings with thanks, because without them there is no growth. Of course own your behavior, but decide from this point forward, you can do better. Little by little, without the guilt and judgement. Simply learning what these feelings have to teach.


Love, always love.


Lessons from under the apple tree.