Lessons from under the apple tree.

“Would you sit under an apple tree and fear starvation? Of course not, the apple tree will provide you with the sustenance you need. And so it is with the Universe”.

This message came to me while deep in meditation.

So often we concern ourselves with taking action to prove our worth, and accepting the scraps - out of fear that what we really deserve won’t find us, out of doubt that we are truly worthy and deserving of having our every need met.

To avoid settling for “good enough” and to allow our passion/project/business to truly thrive - we must make room for trust. We must undo the societal conditioning and belief that we must prove our worth…that we must constantly be “doing” and “achieving” and “taking action to make things happen” or they won’t happen at all. Each individual is inherently worthy.

This is my current focus. If I want things to change, it starts with my beliefs…it starts with being unapologetically authentic. I choose to believe I am worthy and deserving of running a thriving business, of sharing my gifts to help others, and of living life on my terms. It’s not always easy and I certainly don’t have it all figured out. But I’m going to give it my all…


On self acceptance.


Surrender, step by step.