Reflections: advice to my former self.

If there’s any advice I would give to my former self, the girl who had just quit her career, and was starting a business, getting to know her true self, and healing all at the same time - it’d be this:

⋗ Go with the flow.
⋗ Toss your expectations out the window.
⋗ Embrace change - in fact, make it your best friend, because it will be the only constant. Uncertainty will be your next closest companion.
⋗ Release the idea that you’re going from point A to point B, and that there’s a final destination. The journey really is the destination.
⋗ Don’t measure your success against the conventional metrics. Measure your success by how much love, joy, ease, and peace you can fill your days with…by how much you have grown into the best version of yourself…by how much more kindness, patience, and compassion you can bring into the world.
⋗ And lastly - throw away any idea that there is a rule book or road map; many people will try to sell you on the idea that there’s a perfect formula / algorithm for success…but you chose to walk an unconventional path and define your own version of success. Any “tried and true” societally accepted guidelines and guard rails will not help you here. They are relics of the path you left behind. You are creating your life, on your terms - and although it may be scary as hell at times, it’ll be worth it.

At the end of the day, it’s all just one big adventure.


Enjoy (in-joy)


Trust the journey.