On authenticity.

A note on acceptance and authenticity: People cannot accept you for who you truly are if they do not know who you truly are. Acceptance must first and foremost come from within, but a large part of living and embodying self-acceptance is having the courage to be your authentic self with others. It means being honest and vulnerable with the people in your life about who you are; your dreams, choices, boundaries…It means choosing what feels right for you, time and time again, and not justifying those choices to appease others.

The people meant to be in your life will see and accept you (give them a chance to do so by not assuming their responses/reactions). If they don’t, perhaps they are simply not meant to be in this season of your life. Send them love and create space for new people to enter. It may not always be easy (it will most likely be pretty uncomfortable at times), but trust me it is worth it. You owe it to yourself to live an authentic, unapologetic life.


Let your light shine.


The thread that binds us.