Let your light shine.

One morning, I felt a message from my highest self yearning to come forth, so I took pen to paper and began automatic writing (a favorite intuitive tool of mine) and received the following message: 

The natural state of light is to shine by simply being itself.  It cannot do so without the dark, for without dark there is nothing to illuminate. The dark is needed so that light may be perceived, may be witnessed, may illuminate. It does so simply by shining. Such is the case with you dear one; simply shining, simply being, simply living, simply joy-experiencing, play-experiencing, love-sharing, being. You illuminate all the world around you, it is so simple, ever so simple. 

The light does not need to call the moth to it, it does not need to dance or sing or seek. It simply shines and the moth will find it. The beings in need seeking light will find it. They will see it wherever they are, no matter how faint or implausible, because such is the nature of light. It needs only a crack to enter and can travel however far it is needed. It’s seeps in, in the most unlikely of places because that is its nature. It does not fight its nature nor alter its nature,  merely it seeks the format in which its true brightness can be fully seen and witnessed. But know this: there is no effort, only existence. And when the surrounding is darkest is when the light shines brightest. 

Yet know that light is also needed on the brightest of days. The sun illuminates with near blinding capacity all the life around it. The moon illuminates more subtly in the dark, still bathing all it shines upon in a soft comforting glow. Both sun and moon stay rooted in their positions. Moving with the seasons naturally, but only with the seasons. And yet in their rooted positions, all who seek light find it. All who look towards the sun to feel its warmth find it. All who look towards the moon see it. There is no frantic rush, or push, or luring on behalf of either, only the shining of light and the illuminating of the world. 

When a rain cloud comes the sun does not stop shining and does not fret whether it shall ever shine upon a child’s face again. When the fog rolls in the moon does not concern itself if it shall ever see its reflection sparkle off the lake again. For it knows: a time for everything, a season for all things, and all that is to be done is to be. 

Fret not dear one, your way is being prepared, your canvas prepped, your path awaiting your light to illuminate it. All will find your light when needed. It summons them and they are drawn to it. No matter how the present moment looks, your light still shines. All those seeking still see it. And do not fear, all are in need of light just as grass needs light to grow. 

You are in need of your own light now, you are in need of your own healing light and attention. Shine the light inwards and illuminate all within you that yearns for love. Allow your being to fill with peace. Bask in the warm glow of your light. We must all turn our light inward from time to time to be reminded of our true natures. Only then can we turn our light outward and shine evermore brightly for those in need of light and light their way. 


Carve your own path.


On authenticity.