An unexpected sign of growth.

When those limiting beliefs / voices in your head seem to be getting louder - it’s actually a sign of your growth! Hear me out…

I used to get super frustrated when I’d have a day where my inner critic was so LOUD and filling my head with doubt and fear - I thought I’d already resolved XYZ issues, I thought I’d moved passed them…and I thought that experiencing them again meant I had somehow regressed on my growth and healing journey.

But what my guides shared with me during a self Reiki session the other day was that these thoughts appearing louder than ever before was actually indicative of my progress…

When you’re in the thick of things - you can’t see the forest for the trees. Those insecurities, fears, critical voices in your head..they sound like whispers and you barely notice that they aren’t your own, true, highest-aligned thoughts. But as you begin to heal and grow, you understand those “negative” voices are actually the parts of yourself that need the most love and healing. And as you start to heal them you start to recognize them more and more easily and so when they pipe up it becomes very LOUD and apparent. What used to be a whisper now seems like a roar, simply because you can identify it so much more easily. And identifying those aspects of yourself is half the battle.

So the next time you have a tough day where you feel like your mind is filled with negative or critical thoughts take a moment to appreciate the fact that you can even recognize them for what they are, that’s a huge step…and now you know where to pour more love. 💕


The importance of ‘grounding’.


My food philosophy.