My food philosophy.

Everything around us is energy and the food we eat not only provides energy but has an energetic frequency of its own. The way food is grown and the quality of life that the animals have is important to keep in mind.

There is no “right” way to eat - only the way that best supports your body. After becoming attuned to Reiki I followed a strictly vegan diet, but as time has gone on, my body’s needs have evolved and so finding the healthiest, most sustainable, and humane way to nourish my body has become a top priority. While Reiki can clear food energetically, it’s best to choose the highest quality/vibrational form to begin with.

When you shop directly from small farms you can see the care that goes into the food they produce, you can understand the ethos under which they raise their animals, and you can feel a deeper connection to the earth via the food you eat.

We must all come together to fix the broken system that is highly processed, chemical laden, unsustainable mass production.

By paying closer attention to what you consume, and supporting local farmers, we can bring an energy of reverence, respect, and gratitude to Mother Earth and the animal kingdom which sustain us.


An unexpected sign of growth.


Let intuition lead your creation.