The importance of ‘grounding’.

In my opinion, grounding is one of the most underrated, underutilized, and possibly even unknown tools that we to really take care of ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

Grounding traditionally refers to connecting with the earth - also known as “earthing”. We are all “of” the earth and our bodies transmit various frequencies and operate electrically - designed to be connected with the earth’s frequencies/electric energy. Grounding can also mean present moment awareness/reconnecting into our physical bodies.

In modern society, we have been growing more and more disconnected from the earth and from ourselves. We live life at such a fast pace that we are often living mostly in our minds. The reality is that more often than not, many of us are ungrounded. This disconnection from the earth and from our physical bodies can result in various ailments such as increased anxiety, headaches, fatigue, digestive issues etc.

For me, grounding is synonymous with connecting to nature. This provides connection to the earth and an opportunity to be present in my surroundings. My daily practice has evolved to include simply being outside among trees or bodies of water, eating fresh/whole foods, caring for my house plants 🪴 and grounding into my physical body through movement or breath 🌀

Grounding, in whatever form you choose, is simple yet powerful. I highly recommend taking some time to incorporate various grounding techniques into your self-care routine.


You’re not alone.


An unexpected sign of growth.