Let each moment be what it is…

When we’re feeling low, confused, or just in a funk, it’s not always about doing everything we can to get out of the feeling/mental state. Sometimes it’s about simply recognizing that we’re not in the space to be making moves/decisions and instead - to just observe our feelings / mental talk track but not put any stock in them.

Sometimes the day doesn’t go your way and try as you might, you just can’t shake it off. Instead - take the opportunity to see it for what it is: a bad day, not a bad life.

Maybe what you’re experiencing is coming up so that you can see it and choose to let it go. To recognize its connection to old beliefs and patterns that are still operating within you - and to let them go. In any challenge- there’s always an opportunity to give yourself space, grace, and compassion. To take a deep breathe and say “it’s all going to be okay”.


What my Grandpa taught me…


The past isn’t prologue…