The past isn’t prologue…

“The past isn’t prologue. It is simply a record of previous present moments. It does not determine your future. Each present moment is an opportunity to begin anew. Deepen into the trust and peace available to you in this now moment. From this space, from this present moment - create your future.”

I received this message during a self-Reiki session the other day ☝️

To expand upon it: take your power back from your past. I’m not talking about ignoring the past, or pretending that it didn’t happen. I’m talking about choosing - in each present moment, what we want to experience.

That means sitting with the uncomfortable truths and emotions from our past experiences in order to process trauma and move forward in an empowered way.

It means challenging ourselves to take the reins and create a life we’re proud to live. Walking away from the belief that our past determines our future, and that we are doomed to play out familiar patterns simply because “that’s the way it’s always been”.

You can decide what your future holds by being present, sitting with what comes up, healing it, and consciously deciding for yourself, how you want to live your life.


Let each moment be what it is…


The evidence is all around you…