Leave room for assistance

When we “assume” we don’t leave room for things to shift and change, we don’t leave room for the unexpected, because although we label our assumptions as “possibilities” not inevitable facts, they are actually declarations of what we think will happen, or how we think things are, and the universe tends to reaffirm us in our assumptions and beliefs. Therefore we do not always get what we ask for, but rather what we think will occur.

When we ask for help, and we ask for assistance from a source of wisdom and love greater than our own - then the outcomes of our assumptions and beliefs can be changed, can be challenged, but we must remain open and declare our wish for help. We have free will and we must use it.

Above all we must continue to remain open, open to assistance, and open to possibilities by not projecting our past experiences into assumptions of what is to come.

Each NOW moment is equally full of infinite possibilities, no matter what has happened in the past. Believe and trust and see what unfolds when you ask for assistance.


A note on grief


Be gentle…