The little things aren’t so little…

Sometimes great clarity comes in unlikely places. Not in a meditation class or sound bath, sometimes it comes in places as mundane as the gym. While exercising and moving my body, it dawned on me. My heart pumping furiously, supporting my body with each step I took. That same heart that was born with a tiny hole, in a body that greeted this world too soon, that was sick and that the doctors weren’t sure would pull through. But here it was, 31 years later, still beating - stronger than ever. Stronger than every obstacle it has ever faced. Beating reliably and steadily, the force of nature enabling the unfolding of a beautiful life.

In that moment I was reminded of so many things. Of the ceaseless support my body provides me on a daily basis (and yet still I have the nerve to wish it would look a little slimmer or tone, as if that even matters in the grand scheme of things?). It reminded me of how much I’ve grown, of how I’ve conquered every obstacle I’ve ever faced, of how I’ve taken great leaps, trusted, learned, done things I never thought possible, things I only dreamed of. And though my life is hardly perfect, and I’m no where near done yet - I have so much to be grateful for and so much to be proud of. A beautiful life I’ve made for myself, full of beautiful people without which it wouldn’t all be possible.

My heart beats, and therefore I’m alive. And isn’t that the greatest gift of all?

As we approach the depths of grey winter, in this season of holidays and gifts and gatherings, it’s easy to lose focus of what matters, to get bogged down with life, with what we’ve lost or what we don’t yet have. Take a moment to listen to your heart beat and realize all that that simple, often overlooked fact means - you’re alive. That alone is a miracle to be grateful for.


Embracing Flexibility.


The beauty of detatchment…