Remember this during seasons of change…

The in-between phases are always the hardest for me. When I feel like I’m right in the cusp of something expansive, it can feel daunting, confusing, and the world around me seems to mirror that feeling now - with the seasons changing, but not fully. So I’m doing my best to give myself grace and meet myself with love. Knowing that change in the only constant and nothing in life is permanent. This message came to me, and I wanted to share should it be helpful to you:

As we sit in this in-between phase of life where the seasons have begun to change, the leaves have started to turn color but there are still flowers blooming in the soil and the birds have not yet flown south for winter. We can feel that change is upon us but it is not quite here yet. Let us find grace, acceptance, and peace when the days feel slow and grey. 

Let us always remember that the sun will shine again. 


The web of life…


Will you fully embrace life?