The power of looking up.

Look up☝️It’s one of my favorite ways to gain perspective. I look up and I’m reminded of the vastness of our world.

It may sound counterintuitive, but feeling small is one of the most healing feelings I have found. It reminds me that my obstacles, worries, and fears, they’re all small too in the grand scheme of things. I am but an aspect, an expression, a living breathing being alongside so many others, who together make up this experience known as life (on earth). 

So look up, stand in awe of what you see, and embrace your place in it all. Embrace the perspective of “small” and allow your worries and fears to shrink too. Allow this feeling to bring you freedom and lightness. For the things you think matter; the struggles and the stories, they are but a grain of sand, and we are only here for a short while. 

Let us instead marvel at the gift of this shared existence, and move through life uninhibited, fully and authentically. 


There’s no need to wait…


Build a home within.