The beauty of the journey.

Bit by bit, step by step, one foot in front of the other; we evolve and grow. It does not matter our pace, what matters is our dedication and commitment to coming back to ourselves, to this journey.

Some seasons in life are lush and fruitful while others appear barren. All are important, all are necessary. And so we keep on moving, persistent in our evolving. 

The joy in life, the fulfillment and the reward, all lie in the journey. For what else is life, if not a journey of self discovery? What is the destination, if not a final recognition of our true nature? 

The key is to remember that each leg of the journey plays it’s part, even if we can’t comprehend its role while it unfolds. This is where trust and presence can assist us. 

How can we move through the hard times rooted in trust, with presence, and ultimately gratitude for what this moment is bringing us? 

Today I’m affirming: I trust everything unfolds for my highest good 

(even if I can’t “see” how just yet 😉)


Silver linings.


The web of life…