Go slow.

A reminder we all need from time to time 👆. As I was speed walking to the grocery store this morning (force of habit after 8+ years in NYC 😅) I noticed one of the community gardens was open. I briskly walked past but then paused. I had no where to be, no deadline that required the rush that tends to permeate daily life. So I turned back and went in.

As I wandered along the path this stump caught my eye. A reminder to reinforce what I’ve already been feeling; as the seasons transition - we enter a new energy, a slower energy, a restful energy. We are called to savor each phase of life and each moment - for all serve a purpose.

So I’ll do my best to embrace this - to go slow, move with intention, to find gratitude. After all, it was the tortoise that won the race 😉 


The sanctuary within.


Silver linings.